Does the precipitation radar image correspond to reality ?
Radar data is used in many fields, but few users are aware that there is differences with reality on the ground. Although the image can be calibrated in real time using rain gauges, spot measurements used to adjust large areas only provide average results. This is why radar image processing remains an active area of research.
Why is the RadarToRain process innovative ?
Our innovative technology delivers real-time radar images of rainfall with maximum precision, without the need for rain gauges, finally transforming radar into a tool for accurately measuring actual rainfall.
How can you check the relevance of this radar image ?
To ensure the quality of the RadarTorain image, we compare the instantaneous reals rainfall totals (5-6 minutes) with those of the surrounding pixels, taking into account the movement of the rain, the time it takes for the drops to fall, and the data desynchronization. This innovative method, grounded in real-world conditions, guarantees quality.
Can the RadarToRain process improve forecasts?
We don't do forecast. But our processing that covers the entire image can help nowcast (0 - 6h) based on speed. In addition, these high-quality radar images can be used to improve forecasting models.